> Taekwondo Digest: The distance game in Taekwondo


The distance game in Taekwondo

In Taekwondo, knowing your distance is really important. It is at this point you will know when you should do the right techniques at the situation. Based on this, we will also be able to know what kind of techniques we should train and re-discover the ability we can achieve besides polishing up our basic skills.

One illustration that can be mentioned is the technique of one step stretching backthrust. The purpose of doing the one step is to actually feint the opponent and extend the backthrust almost immediately with more stretch so that you can cover more distance and you should know how far you can cover to reach the target also. If you do not know your own distance, it is pretty much understood that you may not get your target.

By now, you will also see that knowing your distance is not adequate but also your opponent's distance. This is something more subjective as your opponent may surprise you with great stretching ability. In a short time this is where the challenge is which is to know how your opponent work his/her distance quickly. The interesting point to know here however is also that actually knowing your distance really well can also mean you understand your opponent's distance too.

1 comment:

Marshall Artest said...

Understanding your opponent's distance is very important. It is often disregarded when it comes to sparring, but if you wish to avoid his attacks, you must be aware of what he is capable of.

It may be prudent allow your opponent to move freely for a moment, just to gauge his skill level. Maintain a meek disposition until you have the information you need.

Once attained exploit his weaknesses and win.