> Taekwondo Digest: Some students today...


Some students today...

Some students todays are really playful. And the playful ones are somehow always the boys. The strange thing is that these students like to stand real close to one another and in the process of kicking practice, they will kick each other. It seemed like it was accidental, after a while, they started grinning. The one who got kicked, will return back later when he got the opportunity. They also tend to ask more questions these days such as why like that? Why must be this way? Perhaps the instructor look friendly because there are instructors whose looks are real serious that students do not dare to do anything funny at all. Just the presence of such instructors, students suddenly become real disciplined.

However young and playful these kids are, i still think we can reason out with them. Perhaps they might not know understand what we are talking about, but by hearing these reasons, it seemed somehow it will have subconscious effect on them. Just like some scientists who claimed that a good time for a child to learn can be about age 4-5. They might not understand but when they grow older they seemed to be able to grasp the concept.

One more thing is that nowadays children are really getting smarter. I was taking class that day and I thought in the past I just started telling the young children what to do and they just follow. Reason being that many will think children can't figure what you are saying about the principles behind these movements. Just make sure they know the basic commands and stuff. I decided to talk to them. Asking them the idea behind having commands. The idea of what Taekwondo class is about. Answers such as respect came out from some of them. After sharing with them what Taekwondo is mainly about. They became more serious and show more discipline. They might still be young but they are growing smarter than we thought sometimes. Reasoning and sharing theories with them may be good for them shaping their reasoning skills since young better then when they grow older, it might be hard to get across the correct ideas to them. Good habits can be cultivated since young I supposed.

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