> Taekwondo Digest: Understanding Taekwondo Sparring


Understanding Taekwondo Sparring

Taekwondo Sparring could be an aggressive game depending on the styles of the players but in anyway, aggressiveness could be a factor in determining the winner in case of a draw. The one who is more passive seem to lose out in this aspect. Being aggressive has it advantages in the game as it could boost one's confidence and shock the opponent. But most importantly in any game, it is the sharpness of scoring that would determine the winner. At the recent nationals, it was much obvious at the final of one of the male category, one player was more aggressive than the other. Confident and fast with his kick and able to do more advance kicks. But, his opponent who definitely seemed to be very cautious was either fortunate or he had planned to play a very tactful game. He scored the moment when there is opportunity and it was sharp enough for the referees to give him the points. This suddenly shocked his aggressive opponent and made him less aggressive in his attacks. Thus the bottom line is that it is about being sharp in scoring which requires speed and accuracy. Sometimes not necessary speed but to be able to catch the correct timing to score could be another factor as well.

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