> Taekwondo Digest: Controversy of the new Taekwondo park brochure


Controversy of the new Taekwondo park brochure

A promotional brochure for a new Taekwondo park has seem to cause some unhappiness among Taekwondo practioners as the children featured in the brochure appear to wear karate suits rather than Taekwondo suits and belts wore were also tied improperly. One was being quoted that how can a Taekwondo park be administered without being able to distinguish Taekwondo suits properly from Karate suits. "Will you promote the spirit and culture of Korea in a brochure with kimono-clad models?" The promotional board however explained that the tobok used are actually the newly adopted ones hoping to improve the popularity of the sport. But seriously, I felt that suits call for identity for all practioners of the art and therefore it shall be unique and have a style of its own. If it looks too similar to another one, it will then lose its own image. Now there are calls for proper standards for Taekwondo suits to be drawn up. Hopefully, the proper standard will be able to guide the style of the tobok to a greater height and still retain the uniqueness it ought to have.

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