> Taekwondo Digest: 360 degrees turning implies...


360 degrees turning implies...

Confidence! I was noticing a match at the friendly between the two universities team. Both of the players were of about the same weight but one was much junior than the other. After a while in a game, the junior player did a 360 degrees turning. Impressive for a junior belt against someone who is much more senior. He then told me later on that because he knew he was faster therefore he had the confidence to execute the technique. It can be seen from many sparring matches that 360 is seldom done unless you are really fast and confident to catch the correct timing. If not, one will usually be very cautions of being countered therefore the hestitation and when there is hesitation, your movement and speed will tend to slow down. So far, I have only seen a handful who could do a 360 so swiftly and the swiftest among them would be my school coach. He could use it as an attack or feint a motion and followed up with another 360. A regional champion indeed who could do it beautifully with speed and accuracy. When you feel that you could do a 360 at your fastest speed would means you will be more or less confident against your opponent.

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