> Taekwondo Digest: How long can one kick fast and kick high?


How long can one kick fast and kick high?

Usually, many people will say once a person gets older, one will lose his/her flexibility. This is definately of certain truth as muscles will get stiffer as one ages. Many Taekwondo practioners couldn't execute kicks as fast and as smooth as before when they were younger but some still managed to maintain their kicks of certain standard that enable them to
still spar against younger players. How about a man with white hair and aged 50 plus? Would one think he's still able to kick fast and kick high?

The answer to the above questions are commonly no. But it was seen from Taekwondo Grandmaster Kang Shin-Chul that old man can stretch extremely well too. He had showed that he could do a beautiful and fast raising kick straight up above his head as easy as snapping his finger(well unless he doesn't know how to do that). He continued by showing basic kicks such as front and turning which has the sound of the wind from his kicks. A well executed snapping motion encompasses with grace and elegance is by no means a feat to many.

Indeed I must said Taekwondo, "the way of the hand and the foot" has certainly proved its meaning through Taekwondo Grandmaster Kang. One can kick well, compete nicely in the tournaments and perform high kicks during demostration but can all still do the same when they grow much older? Grandmaster Kang can for sure tell us with his kicks that it is definately possible.

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