> Taekwondo Digest: Hello Jump!


Hello Jump!

Jump is actually a famous comedy martial arts play which will actually be held at the esplanade on this saturday and sunday. The main martial art the cast practised is Taekwondo. The cast is from korea and their performance is well-received in other countries as well. Their training for their performance is in fact really tough. They not only have to train up their taekwondo skills, they also got to do acrobatics. Some even said their taekwondo training is as hard if not tougher than their own country's taekwondo national team.

On thursday in fact, I got to meet them face to face at the workshop conducted at the ntc. They try to share with us how to do certain stunts such as forward backward roll and cart wheel. They then try to guide or help those who want to try advanced kind of cart wheel or rather like a flip in the air. Next, they showed and guided us how to do certain moves like in the play. One partner as the burglar attacking the other as the family member blocking dodging and counter attacking. They chose 4 best person out from those who picked up to perform and rewarded them with tickets for the concert.

Due to the upcoming performance they couldn't showed us more impressive stunts but what they did like flips and jumps in the air was nice enough for many to impress with. In the end, all had a group photograph and they posed for us to take photographs. No autographs or photographs as a group or individuals were allowed. The cast are actually quite cute people and they all looked really fit. The performance is funny and comical in its own ways and the acrobatics were really interesting.

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