> Taekwondo Digest: Taekwondo Far Distance Kicking Technique 3


Taekwondo Far Distance Kicking Technique 3

The next technique I would like to share is what we called a launch kick. Even this kick have several variations. I will just share one that I used when I participated in tournament. To begin with a launch kick, the kicking leg will be the rear leg in this case. Relax, bounce and throw your rear leg out to get that propelling force and your front leg together with your body will move forward.

Now the question is how do you propel your rear leg out? First you can lift your rear leg up but in a manner whereby your knee is pointing towards your opponent and not upwards then inwards like a usual turning kick. Your shin and feet will seems to be perpendicular to the ground somehow like how you kick a soccer ball.

Then simply throw leg out to perform a turning kick on the target. You will realised you will have a propelling force that will push you forward. Your kick will thus be able to cover the distance and get your target.

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