> Taekwondo Digest: The technique of deflection in Taekwondo


The technique of deflection in Taekwondo

The technique of deflection is an important skill in sparring or in self defense as it allows the practitioner to deflect away the strength therefore enabling one to defend against others especially those with greater strength. Imagine a greater force clashing against you probably the one blocking will get hurt more easily. The

technique of deflection can be well practiced during our pattern training before using it in fast paced sparring. The technique of deflection lies in the twist of the block and the timing of the block which is the point of contact with the attacking kick or hand.

Every block such as the low block, inward block and high block needs to focus on this technique for it is this technique that will block away the punch or kick effectively. The key to better this technique is through consistent and proper practice and it can be done slowly and build up from there through poomsae training.


Unknown said...

cool, I need to work on my skills of blocking, whenever I block during sparring, I block too slow and my vision starts to get blurry whenever I am evading and blocking at the same time.

sg said...

Hi wretu11 sometimes in sparring for sports taekwondo, focus in blocking may not need to be too much, try evading away so that the kick will missed you, move your body to cut the distance so that you will not get kicked. Go for counter if possible. These might be better than blocking.

Alternatively, can start practicing slowly with a partner get the feeling looking at the target to get the sharpness when blocking. Feel natural get the feel eventually one day you can just block at the correct timing.

Unknown said...

thanks, I'm yellow stripe in Unified Taekwondo and I have been watching Taekwondo tournament matches on youtube and the Olympic Beijing matches on youtube, and I noticed that the back kick is somewhat more powerful than the other kicks that are used, since the back kicks made a lot of knockouts.. ouch

sg said...

Hi wretu11 the back kicks are definitely more lethal as if done properly they encompasses great strength from the hip to generate the power. It of course requires accurate timing to execute it and get the target. Turning kicks are usually more direct and much faster less impact but mostly used for scoring. Enjoy Taekwondo training.

Unknown said...


Fuzzy said...

This has become very popular in France now. Most of my university students practice some martial art. Since they are learning English, I will tell them to check out your site.

sg said...

Hi Wretu11 you are most welcome! Keep up the sport spirit!

sg said...

Hi Fuzzy you and your friends are most welcome to visit my site.