> Taekwondo Digest: New Taekwondo rules


New Taekwondo rules

There has been a change in the scoring system for the sport and the aim is to encourage the players to do more fascinating kicking techniques to make the game more interesting. From the many competitions seen, the most common kicks are the turning kicks which is the most direct kick to score points. Now kicks such as backthrust will be two points, turning kicks will be one point. Head kicks will be three points. To properly categorize the types of kick for the the different points,

we can probably say that any direct kicks such as front kicks, turning kicks or even front thrusting kick will be point. Kicks that require more body movements movement such that the turning of the body or the hip to perform the technique will be two points. Some of these kicks are backthrust and 360 degrees turning. Kicks to the head will be three points.

The purpose of this new scoring system as mentioned is to increase the level of interest in the game but whether the players will attempt more advance kicks will be another issue as the direct kicks are perhaps easier and faster to perform. In a way, it is also kind of safer as it does not allow the opponent to have more time to counter or to catch an opening since the direct kicks are supposed to be real fast.

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